The magic of Anghiari

TuscanyAdmin Tuscany cities

Anghiari is a stunning medieval Tuscan gem


Anghiari is a stunning medieval Tuscan gem that is perfectly located close to the city and commune of Arezzo, which positioned on the border between Tuscany and Umbria. Sitting atop the steep hill of stone that rises majestically from the Tiber and Sovara valleys, Anghiari appears to defy gravity.






Battle of Anghiari


Anghiari is perhaps most well known for the Battle of Anghiari (1400), which saw the Florentine troops fight a fierce battle with their long-standing rivals, the Milanos. However, while the battle in itself is certainly of historical interest, it is Leonardo da Vinci’s fabled fresco, which apparently depicted the events of the battle but has since been lost, that seems to have captured the majority of people’s imagination.


Anghiari is a truly majestic location that is surrounded by the striking 13th-century city walls. Having changed very little since its early medieval construction, it exudes history and enchantment. Visitors to this Tuscan treasure will find character and magic at every turn. From the quaint wooden shutters of the stone houses, through to the colorful plants that adorn the meticulously cared for homes of the locals. However, the real beauty lies beyond the city walls, in the spellbinding panoramic views of the Tuscan valley that surrounds the town.







As you lose yourself in the myriad of twists and turns of the narrow streets of Anghiari, you will discover intrigue and fascination at every turn and will soon see for yourself exactly why the Italian Touring Club bestowed this former Roman Settlement with the honor of an Orange Flag to represent its status as one of Italy’s most beautiful villages.

Italy’s most beautiful villages


If you are in or close to Arezzo, you simply should not miss an opportunity to witness the majesty of Anghiari for yourself. The ideal time to visit is during the month of July, when the Southbank Sinfonia hits town. During this special time of year, people take to the streets to enjoy musical performances from chamber musicians, choirs, and orchestras and the sound of music can be heard ringing out from every piazza and church in the vicinity.  if you want to know more, get in contact with our friendly team at Tuscany Untouched Tours

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